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» Listings for May 2014

  1. What is Bioethanol?

    The principle fuel used as a petrol substitute for road transport vehicles is bioethanol. Bioethanol fuel is mainly produced by the sugar fermentation process, although it can also be manufactured by the chemical process of reacting ethylene with steam.

    The main sources of sugar required to produce ethanol come from fuel or energy crops. These crops are grown specifically for energy use and include corn, maize and wheat crops, waste straw, willow and popular trees, sawdust, reed canary grass, cord grasses, jerusalem artichoke, myscanthus and sorghum plants. There is also ongoing research and development into the use of municipal solid wastes to produce ethanol fuel.

    Ethanol or ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) is a clear colourless liquid, it is biodegradable, low in toxicity and causes little environmental pollution if spilt. Ethanol burns to produce carbon dioxide and water.
    What are the benefits of Bioethanol?
    Bioethanol has a number of advantages over conventional fuels. It comes from a renewable resource i.e. crops and not from a finite resource and the crops it derives from can grow well in the UK (like cereals, sugar beet and maize). Another benefit over fossil fuels is the greenhouse gas emissions. 
    By encouraging bioethanol’s use, the rural economy would also receive a boost from growing the necessary crops. Bioethanol is also biodegradable and far less toxic that fossil fuels.
  2. To the calculate heat requirement for your room a good rule of thumb is:
    Height x Width x Depth (in feet) divided by 500. This gives you the kilowatt requirement. This is based on the average house insulation with a room temperature of 20 degrees and an ambient temperature of -1C. Well-insulated houses can replace the division of 500 with 650.
    To get the BTUs requirement multiply the kilowatt requirement by 3,400.
    • To convert BTU to Kw simply multiply by 0.000293
    • To convert Kw to BTU simply multiply by 3414